- Simply contact 91855473 to make an order.
- Or you can email to hemisphere.th@gmail.com to place an order.
- You just have to tell us the Code no. of the item that you want,
the quantity & your address.
- We will reply to your order within 24hrs.
- Do let us know of the venue & time if you want to meet up and collect your item/s.
- You can order at anytime that you want to.
- We only sell a piece of each product we release.
- You will receive your order at the latest 1 week later.
- We will inform you about when will we send out your orders immediately on the day you contact us.
- All orders will be send out on the same day.
- We will inform you once we've sent out your items.
Terms & Conditions
- All orders are strictly for Singapore only.
- We accept cash only.
- We do postages, but you will have to pay us 100% of the cost of your order, before we can post the item/s to you.
- Payment must be made within 3days.
- We will not be responsible for any wear & tear to the item due to their course of daily usage.
- All goods sold are not refundable, returnable or exchangeable.
Sheryl F.
Pls don't ever ever rip this. It was painful to draw and because of this I probably wasted enough time to prolly memorize another chapter of my cursed Physics or Bio.
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